In entering the Philippines for the first time, excitement rushed my veins as I breached the humid walls of Manila. Alongside Joshua, warrior for my freedom and travel partner during my first few days, I prepare my soul to conquer yet another new adventure....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Manila Arrival

In flight to Manila, I swing by Tokyo to jump planes. I casually am going through security when I hear a friendly voice say, "I can't imagine who actually uses the beer opener from the bottom of your flip flop." This was a response to the Reef Flip Flops I was wearing in which are infamous for their "sole beer opener" on the bottom of the shoe. Very "Get Smart" of Reef. I sent a passing friendly comment and we became instant friends. Learning that Josh was in the Special Forces and had PLENTY of intriguing stories we got a long perfectly!

Because I am a Dumas and everyone knows a bit ADD...I barely made it through customs in Manila because I completely slept through all instructions when reported by the pilot in arriving to the country. I went through customs twice due to lack of the information card and then secretly passed through declarations because the customs employee did not give me a declaration receipt. What a mess. Josh laughed and we continued to our hotel agent, both staying at the grand Shangri-La, he in Makati and me in Mandaluyong.

I work the night shift at the Accenture PDC (Philippines Delivery Center) here in Manila. During my first two days, while Josh was still waiting for deployment, we explored the Manila Ocean Park in which, as seen in pictures to the left, we experienced our first "Fish Spa." Here, fish nibble your legs, feet, and hands as a healing/relaxing experience. Ticklish as I am, I laughed until my face hurt. My travel buddy was just as jovial.

We also sat by the pool one day and drank bloodies until our bodies were so sunburned, Josh worse than I, that we complained the whole next day. Just think...a Seattleite, as myself, complaining of sun...sad.

I spend the morning/early afternoon exploring Manila and the late afternoon/evening sleeping. Work for me begins at 11:00PM with a scorching hot non-fat latte made my sweet Phil barista at the 24 hour Starbucks. I sit next to Eileen and Judy who crack me up all day long. Judy likes to yell and Eileen likes to laugh at her. I don't understand anything they are saying and the phrase, "You ladies are having too much fun!" gets old fast...

I get off work at 9:00AM manila time and enjoy a free gourmet...INCREDIBLE...breakfast from the hotel which typically includes Dim Sum, fruit, eggs, The Great Wall of Pastries, sushi, or curry. This morning I walked to my room, ordered a bottle of wine and worked late.

I bought my ticket to Singapore and training starts on Monday! Wish me luck!

Until next time....